Dream On


2014-06-01 14.52.50

My house is currently on the market.

For Sale. On the crest of the housing market boom. In the bubble.

Hubble bubble toil and trouble.

There’s an offer on the table. HOORAH. It’s a paltry offer. BOO.

Meagre. Scanty. It wouldn’t even buy me the chimney stacks on the Old Parsonage. The pretty, perfect Parsonage with its pilasters and pediment, its Flemish bricks and fossil finials. I want to live here. In a real life Doll’s House, with its sexy symmetry and glamorous garden. Why can’t I live here? Why shouldn’t I aspire to neo-classical neatness and Georgian Gorgeousness?

Because, peeps, because I suffer from the joint diseases of  impecuniosity and proletarianism. I wasn’t born with a silver spoon shoved where the sun don’t shine. All I’ll inherit is a very dubious Ercol dining suite. But one can dream, and one can pretend, which is why we ended up at The Old Parsonage in Arley, Cheshire, last Sunday.

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The National Garden Scheme – Yellow Book –  features gardens in the UK not normally open to the public. Perfect if you are nosey like me.

Or like plants.

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Or flowers.

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Or afternoon tea.

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Or quirkiness.

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Or ponds.


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Not so perfect if you are moving house and have ridiculous delusions of grandeur. Sitting on the terrace of a garden bulging with begonias and poppies and peonies and roses and putting off the evil hour when you have to leave through the quaint little gate in the quaint little hedge and return to your not so quaint little house on a not so quaint little street in a positively un-quaint Northern Town.

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Dream on.


June 4, 2014 · 8:05 pm

12 responses to “Dream On

  1. I not only like this I love it. Your dreams are identical to mine but like you I’m practical enough to know these are only dreams. My Northern Town is probably very much like yours.


  2. I don’t reckon you’d really want that spoon where the sun won’t shine. Sounds painfully awkward. My house is built up sorta like that one there. Not as big though. Hope you get a better buyer to come along. The market’s picking up in the states. You can get lotsa house in the south.


  3. Dreams keep us motivated… 😉


  4. I love your dog! 🙂


  5. Oh my, you dream my dreams … and I don’t even have a house on a busy street – I live in a rented flat ..


  6. Hi there, I know I like your dream as I’m sure of us have dreamt such but I’m not quite sure, though, that I understood it (blame it on the World Cup). Anyway, I’ll check your other posts to leave my comments. And I hope my brain will be totally with me.


  7. Best of luck with the sale of your home. I’ve been through a few and they can be quite stressful – keep the faith and your numbers where you believe they need to be 🙂
    AnnMarie 🙂
    Have a glorious Tuesday 🙂


  8. Peaceful and aged. Draws me in. Resembles some of the architecture her in my area of Western South Carolina. Many, Many years ago, Sears and Roebuck sold houses of various styles that could be delivered in crates on box car. We have a handful of these in town which are not only true to their style but also well built. Most of them were built in the early 1900s to 1930s by mill owners who built 8 textile manufacturers up to the 1960s. Their childrens children now occupy them – some of whom I went to school with. Yours specifically reminds me of several English style homes in the upper and lower part of our state, especially the peaceful grounds. Offers a mental oasis for a busy week.


  9. Pedro would be so happy here, don’t you think?


  10. Just loved this post! I can relate…25 years ago we sold our little Cotswold cottage when we moved permanently to the US. I made the mistake a couple of years ago of looking up what it recently sold for….I couldn’t even afford to buy back the garage today! At least Pedro enjoyed his swim!


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